As a leader, don’t ask your followers to sacrifice anything you are not willing to sacrifice. (Nehemiah 11:1)
Bless those that are willing to make sacrifices to accomplish the vision. (Nehemiah 11:2)
It is important to know everyone on your team. (Nehemiah 11:3-6)
It is important to have someone in place as your successor as you lead. (Nehemiah 11:7-9)
It is important to have an overseer and provide a leader for every team. (Nehemiah 11:10-14)
It takes a lot of people working together to accomplish great vision. (Nehemiah 11:15-18)
It is important to understand that great teams have people in different roles working together. (Nehemiah 11:19-21)
Be generous as you compensate people for their work. (Nehemiah 11:22-23)
You don’t have to be the person in charge to influence people and lead. (Nehemiah 11:24)
Make sure team members have clear expectations and know each other’s roles so everyone can work together. (Nehemiah 11:25-35)