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You Go First by Pastor Mike Lawrence

One Piece of Advice | Pastor Mike Lawrence

Mike Lawrence, Port Saint Lucie, FL, recently returned with his family from 13 years as a church planting missionary in Costa Rica to start a new work in Florida. This is his advice: You cannot lead people where you have not first allowed God to lead you. You have to be willing to let God work in your own heart and life first. Your personal experience will give you greater authority and compassion to lead others through similar things. “We are surrounded by people who need to know that the gospel is not only for heaven, it’s for today. They need to know how God is working in your life, so that they, too, can find encouragement that God will do the same thing for them.”


“We see this principle throughout scripture, that when God is going to call someone into leadership, He is going to do a work in them before He does a work through them.”

“We have to be wiling to be vulnerable and transparent about who we are and where we’re at.”

“While there are qualifications for leadership, perfection is not one of them.”

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One Piece of Advice | You Go First Pastor Mike Lawrence