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Slow Down by Pastor Dave Simiele

One Piece of Advice | Slow Down

Pastor Dave Simiele, Campus Pastor at Christ Fellowship Church in West Palm Beach, FL, shares his advice to stop and take time to focus on spending time alone with Jesus. Slow down. Go to a deserted place to pray, as Jesus did in Mark 1:35. “It’s not about what I’m doing; it’s about who I’m becoming.”

“The Son of God had to stop and get away and be with His Father.” -Dave Simiele

“If we don’t pause in our life and commune with God and stop, then we are not going to hear the direction that He has for us.” Dave Simiele

“You can’t live a hurried life without warping your soul.” -Lance Witt

‘Reject the lies about production and producing and that busyness equals effectiveness because we know that is not true.” -Dave Simiele