Seeing Jesus in All of Scripture by Dr Warren Gage
Leadership Lesson | Dr Warren Gage
Dr. Warren Gage, Fort Lauderdale, FL, talks about how we understand and preach Christ in all the scriptures. Jesus spoke about this in John 5:39: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” What we want to find in all the scripture is the gospel. Using three different passages—the sleep of Adam for his bride (Genesis 2), Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6), and the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19), Dr. Gage points out where and how the gospel is pictured, sometimes simply and other times with elaborate detail. You can read more on this subject in Dr. Gage’s book Milestones to Emmaus. Follow his leadership ministry at
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. Luke 24:29
“We have to have the resurrection that validates the work of Christ on the cross, that is the Father’s acceptance of His sacrifice on our behalf in a substitutionary sense.” -Warren Gage
“The core of the gospel is substitution. I would urge everybody that is in a preaching or teaching role—that is the point that needs to be clarified most, the idea that somebody has to understand that Christ died in their place.” -Warren Gage
“We can read the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, in such a way as to see the gospel in all the stories. I think it’s the common denominator to every major narrative in the text.” -Warren Gage
“The more of these illustrations that you see, eventually you learn that the gospel really is everywhere.” -Warren Gage
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Seeing Jesus in All of Scripture