Interview | Race with Pastor Rodney Wilkinson
Pastor Daniel talks with Pastor Rodney Wilkinson, Gospel Fellowship, Boynton Beach, FL about the topic of race in our culture today. Just as the Apostle Paul addressed current topics throughout his letters to the Corinthian and Galatian churches, pastors need to speak to their people about how the gospel relates to what is happening in our world now. This topic of race and racism has shown up everywhere in recent years. But scripture is clear—God loves all people. So why is racism prevalent? What is going on? “A simple definition for racism is when we treat people differently because of the way they look.” This is an honest discussion about what racism looks like in society and in our churches. Why is it important that we address it? What should be our motivation for having the core value of multi-ethnicity in our churches? Where do we see God address racism in scripture? A fresh perspective from the frontlines of ministry.
“Paul is not just giving speeches that he wants people to hear. He is contextualizing the gospel to the current day.” -Rodney Wilkinson
“We want to be able to talk about what people are talking about and give it a framework for how you look at current-day issues through the lens of the gospel.” -Rodney Wilkinson
“We want to be multiethnic because heaven is going to be multiethnic. Jesus didn’t die for one race.” -Rodney Wilkinson
“We see racism showing up in the church as distrust between the races. The question on the table is ‘Do I trust my white brother like I do my African American brother, or vice versa?’ ” -Rodney Wilkinson
“The motivation for me is when I look at Christ’s death and how He tore down the dividing wall of hostility.” -Rodney Wilkinson
“In looking at how God has made us in His image and in His likeness, we all have inherent dignity. If you believe that, how can you insult someone based on how God made them?” -Rodney Wilkinson
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Interview | Race